It's not what we Say - It's What we DO - Day by Day...
- R. J. Rubis

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Books that got me REALLY Cranked

This Post was my first entry into the blogging world. It also roughly coincides roughly with the beginning of my attempt to make writing more than a random pastime - and it coincides with a new consciousness about the fragilily of our place in the world as we're recreating it. The books mentioned here had a lot to do with that new consciousness.

"So what did YOU read over the summer that absolutely "knocked your socks off"?

For me, it was T. C. Boyle's A Friend of the Earth. This was published back in '95, but just came across my radar screen this year. Boy does this book give a gritty picture of where we might end up if we don't "get with the program" to address global warming...

Following this, I browsed through my "Audible" catalog to find Atwood's "Oryx & Crake" and went on to read this one too. Another little blip on the environmental literature radar.

Along with this, I browsed through Al Gore's new book An Inconvenient Truth. This is sobering too. I'm waiting to see the movie. "

R. J.Rubis

1 comment:

Robert J. Rubis said...

So what's happening? No posts!!!